Try Our Easy Christmas Ukulele Songs & Top 3 Holiday Hits!
Just a few weeks to go until Christmas now, time is running out, so you need to practise those festive favourites and build up a reliable Christmas Song List in time for the big day!

See In The New Year With 10 New Year Uke Resolutions!
What better way to start the new year than getting your uke on? Here are our top ten suggestions on how to get started.

How To Play Ukulele Strum Patterns For Beginners
It is easy to fall into the habit of getting used to a particular strum pattern and then using it all the time. Be adventurous! Try out some new ukulele patterns to go with different styles of songs.

How To Change The Strings On Your Ukulele
Ever wondered how to string your uke? Changing your ukulele strings can be a fun and satisfying experience. Read our step by step guide to find out how its done!

Try Out Our Top 5 Most Surprising Ukulele Covers
This April Fools’ Day enjoy playing along to your favourite ukulele ‘Songs with a Surprise!’ You will soon discover why these ukulele covers have become such huge hits.

How To Play Ukulele Barre Chords & Moveable Chord Shapes
Learn to play barre chords on the ukulele and you will soon be able to move on to a whole new selection of chord variations and positions which will add interest, tone and quality to your playing.

Improve Your Sound With Alternative Ukulele Tunings
There are several alternative options when it comes to tuning your ukulele. Play around with some of the tunings we have suggested and you never know, you might find one that is better suited to either your voice, your instrument, or your performance.

Ukulele Warm-Ups and Effective Finger Exercises
Spending a few minutes doing finger exercises and having a good warm-up before playing your ukulele will help improve your speed, fluidity and technique.

All About The Ukelin - The Ukulele and Violin Combined!
If like us, you love a bit of history, the ukelin is worth finding out more about. This ukulele-violin hybrid means that in theory, you can play ukulele and violin at the same time!

Discover the Perfect Ukulele Strings For You
Ever needed to know what type of string is the best for your ukulele? Read our expert tips to help you decide which type of strings are going to help your uke sound the best it can!

How To Play 5 - Note Blues On The Ukulele
Have you ever felt like playing the blues? Well now you can have a go at sounding like blues legends BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Eric Clapton with this easy 5 note blues ukulele solo.

The Ukuleles Unanimous New Year Challenge
Time on your hands? This uke challenge should keep us ukulele enthusiasts busy for the year ahead. Happy strumming!

The Tangi Tiny - Is This The Smallest Ukulele In The World?
This is the Tangi “Tiny” but is it the smallest playable uke in the world?

Ukulele Quotes - What Famous People Say About Ukuleles
If you’re thinking of learning the ukulele, here are some famous ukulele quotes to inspire you!