How To Play 5 - Note Blues On The Ukulele

Blues for the Ukulele

Have you ever felt like playing the blues? Well now you can have a go at sounding like blues legends BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Eric Clapton with this easy 5 note blues solo.

This is truly one of those shortcuts you’re always looking for - awesome and easy. So have a go and play along, you won’t believe how good you can sound!

A Simple Blues Pattern

Have a bit of fun playing along to this blues backing track - it’s a simple pattern that’s easy to learn! The chords that you will hear from the link below as you play along are A7, D7 and E7.

Example 2-1 Full Speed
PTTB - Rhythm & Chords

The solo is going to be in A, so the entire thing will be based around the first (A) string open and at the third, fifth and seventh fret. Add and the second string (E) on the third fret and that’s the pattern!

Here are the 5 notes in tab form:


Let’s learn to play the blues!

5 - Note Blues Tab

The lines represent the strings and the numbers tell you which number fret to press down on.

Bend the strings upwards to get a good blues sound and hammering on and off will also add a nice effect. Try moving your fingers quickly around the fret board with different combinations of these notes to stop it from getting too repetitive.

Practise for a little while, it sounds better if you speed up and it won’t be long before you can impress your friends with a cool and bluesy solo on the ukulele!

Happy strumming 😊

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