You Are My Sunshine by Bing Crosby


You are my [C]sunshine, my only [C7]sunshine,

You make me [F]happy, when skies are [C]grey. [C7]

You'll never [F]know dear, how much I [C]love you, [Am]

Please don't [C]take, my [G7]sunshine a- [C]way.

Verse 1

The other [C]night dear, as I lay sleeping, [C7]

I dreamed I [F]held you in my [C]arms. [C7]

When I a- [F]woke dear, I was mis- [C]taken, [Am]

And I [C]hung my [G7]head and [C]cried.


You are my [C]sunshine, my only [C7]sunshine,

You make me [F]happy, when skies are [C]grey. [C7]

You'll never [F]know dear, how much I [C]love you, [Am]

Please don't [C]take, my [G7]sunshine a- [C]way.

Verse 2

I'll always [C]love you, and make you happy, [C7]

If you will [F]only say the [C]same. [C7]

But if you [F]leave me, to love a- [C]nother, [Am]

You'll re- [C]gret it [G7]all some- [C]day.


You are my [C]sunshine, my only [C7]sunshine,

You make me [F]happy, when skies are [C]grey. [C7]

You'll never [F]know dear, how much I [C]love you, [Am]

Please don't [C]take, my [G7]sunshine a- [C]way.

Verse 3

You told me [C]once dear, you really loved me, [C7]

And no one [F]else, could come be- [C]tween. [C7]

But now you've [F]left me, and love a- [C]nother, [Am]

You have [C]shattered, [G7]all my [C]dreams.


You are my [C]sunshine, my only [C7]sunshine,

You make me [F]happy, when skies are [C]grey. [C7]

You'll never [F]know dear, how much I [C]love you, [Am]

Please don't [C]take, my [G7]sunshine a- [C]way.

Verse 4

Louisi- [C]ana, my Louisiana, [C7]

The [F]place, where I was [C]born. [C7]

White fields of [F]cotton, green fields of [C]clover, [Am]

The best [C]fishing, and [G7]long tall [C]corn.


You are my [C]sunshine, my only [C7]sunshine,

You make me [F]happy, when skies are [C]grey. [C7]

You'll never [F]know dear, how much I [C]love you, [Am]

Please don't [C]take, my [G7]sunshine a- [C]way.

Verse 5

Crawfish [C]gumbo, and jamba- [C7]laya,

The biggest [F]shrimp and sugar [C]cane. [C7]

The finest [F]oysters, and sweet straw- [C]berries, [Am]

From Toledo [C]Bend, [G7]to New Or- [C]leans;


You are my [C]sunshine, my only [C7]sunshine,

You make me [F]happy, when skies are [C]grey. [C7]

You'll never [F]know dear, how much I [C]love you, [Am]

Please don't [C]take, my [G7]sunshine a- [C]way.

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