Ukulele Performers Delight Fans At Glastonbury Festival
As a huge ukulele fans, we had hoped to capture a few ukuleles on camera while at Glastonbury this year, but didn't see a single one!
We know Sir Paul got his uke out in memory of George in 2022, but surely there must have been a few ukes kicking around somewhere this year? Maybe we just happened to be in the wrong places at the wrong times?
Anyway, we made some Facebook enquiries on the Glastonbury Fan Page and it seems that there were indeed some ukuleles hiding away in the far reaching fields of Glasto that we had failed to discover!
Here are a few of the people who got in touch to let us know where we missed out and hopefully, if we are lucky enough to get tickets again next year, we will try a bit harder to track down that special ukulele magic.
Kitty Stewart
For a start, we were gutted to miss Kitty Stewart who apparently was playing in the Ancient Futures tent on Sunday morning. She entertained everyone with a medley of UK Garage hits which was described by those who saw her as BRILLIANT!
At least we can catch up with her here:
Kitty Stewart playing Garage Medley on ukulele
The Ukulele Thrash Mob
The Ukulele Thrash Mob, a group from Barrow, were performing at the festival and not only featured on Zoe Ball’s Radio 2 Breakfast Show, but also got to perform with Basil Brush! They provided festival goers with ukuleles and taught random people a song to perform.
Louise Logan bumped into them in the Theatre and Circus fields and had this to say:
‘We were chillin’ on the grass eating lunch near the Cabaret Tent and a group of musicians came round and handed out about ten ukuleles to everyone and taught us all to play Crocodile Rock it was so much fun! One of those random moments, and we got to say we “Performed at Glastonbury” Haha, then they were gone!’ Louise Logan
Photo Louise Logan
‘Bearded Theory had a Uke Jam in the Something Else Tea Tent. This was run by my mate Beardy Keef who sadly passed away last year but it continues to be held in his memory’. Paul Tort Howard
‘Pretty sure these guys have a ukulele in their act. ‘Seize The Day’ were performing in the Small World/Toad Hall Tents.’ Rudy Roberts
Spot the ukulele! Photo Rudy Roberts
‘Hi Ukuleles Unanimous, there is a fairly new Pilton Ukulele Group (PUG). We didn’t do anything at the festival, but watch out next year!’ Gordon Taylor
‘Tabitha Wild definitely had hers with her’ Julian Rees
Tabitha Wild at a secret pre festival gig at Arcadia!
‘I usually do a beginner workshop in the Healing Field, but didn't manage it this year, sorry!’ Guy Snape
So there were some ukes at Glastonbury after all!
Thanks to all you fellow ukulele fans for getting back to us and sharing your magical ukulele moments from Glastonbury. What an impressive show of vibrant music and community spirit! As we’re on the subject of Glasto, let’s just finish with a magical moment from Taimane.
Happy Strumming 😊
Taimane playing ukulele at Glastonbury Music Festival
Discover our amazing and easy to play ukulele songs, all in one place!