Ukulele - The Miracle Cure At Your Fingertips
Edis Bowden teaches ukulele both online and from his home near Aberfeldy in the heart of the Scottish Highlands.
Edis is no stranger to life’s unexpected ups and downs and is a great believer that music alters emotions and reduces stress even in difficult circumstances.
Here is what Edis has to say:
As I write this, I am laid low by my old Demon: the bad back. I got a bit carried away with the gardening. I’ve had to cancel all my engagements but there is one that I’m not going to cancel: I am booked on a session of the ‘wonder cure’ for this very afternoon!
I am not alone in finding that this cure produces almost miraculous results on sore backs and several other ailments. As well as being a brilliant mood enhancer, it gives the old grey matter a good workout (much better than Sudoku, it is said) and it is very social which, in our post Covid era, is a huge benefit to so many people.
So, if I have piqued your curiosity and you’re wondering what this miracle cure is and where you can sign up, then now is the time for the big reveal:
It is your local ukulele club!
Join a uke club!
When my back is sore, I play standing up and gently sway backwards and forwards which is wonderful for loosening up those tense muscles and bringing them out of spasm.
When I feel blue and devoid of any motivation – particularly in the long dark days of winter – I find the lively, cheerful ukulele vibe and the social aspect are like bottled sunshine. After a couple of songs, I am restored.
Enjoy playing ukulele with your mates
Ukulele is good for your mental health
We are not the first people to notice the health benefits of the ukulele and, indeed, of music in general. In fact, the team that is dedicated to making Aberfeldy Scotland’s Healthiest Town invited us to their launch party so that we could tell people about all the positive ways it improves your health and well-being. There is also a Scotland-wide Ukulele Project dedicated to spreading the benefits.
Now, I realise, many of you will be thinking that you couldn’t possibly participate in such a musical activity – perhaps because you’ve never done it before, or perhaps because you have been told you are tone deaf, or perhaps a teacher told you to leave the school choir.
These are very common reactions, but one by one we have proved that they are all completely erroneous. A few short years ago many of our club members were in exactly that position, never having played a musical instrument in their lives yet wishing to do so. Over those few short years, we have taught them the skills that they need and now not only are they confident and joyful players, but many of them have played in several public performances.
Yuletide fun!
All human beings are natural musicians, it is wired into our heartbeat and the way we walk. Singing is very natural to all humans and although some of us may find it difficult to control the tuning of the notes to start with, with practice and a bit of guidance it becomes easier and easier.
The ukulele produces a wonderful joyful sound and is cheap and easy to get to grips with.
So, what are you waiting for? I have extolled the therapeutic benefits of the ukulele but please don’t let me give the impression that you must have an ailment to come to a club. No! Prevention is far better than cure. In fact, I have left the most important reason for joining a ukulele club till last…….
…… because it’s fun!!!!
I run the Highland Perthshire Ukulele Club, which currently meets at the Kenmore Sports Pavilion on Mondays at 13.30 and Thursdays at 19.00. We can help with the loan of instruments to get you started and all training is provided.
Can’t find a local ukulele club near to where you live? Looking for an experienced teacher to get you started? Maybe you want to take your ukulele skills a step further?
Wherever you are in the world, I can help you along your ukulele journey and make music fun with my step-by-step online lessons from the very heart of Scotland.
If you are interested in having a chat with me and my wife Susan about your needs and how we can help you with some lessons, please get in touch at
Website: Bowden Music Tuition
Tel: 07715 549 398
I can’t promise you will become a happier person, but it works for me!
I look forward to welcoming you soon.
Join you local ukulele group
You can read the original article that Edis wrote for the Fearnan Village Association here at
In case you were wondering, Fearnan is a small village in Scotland with a disproportionately high number of ukulele players!
Happy Strumming 😊
Discover our amazing and easy to play ukulele songs, all in one place!